Teaching Philosophy

I began playing the violin when I was ten years old and my life has never been the same. Music is my all encompassing passion- I live to share music through performance and teaching. I hold Graduate and Undergraduate degrees in Violin Performance from UCSB and am vastly experienced as an orchestral, chamber and solo musician. Combined with 15 years plus of teaching both privately and in public programs, I have all the necessary skills to guide you or your child from beginner to professional musician.

My teaching philosophy centers around creating a supportive, nurturing environment for my students. From there I can instruct them in all important aspects of music making, including developing the necessary work ethic to be successful. I am very familiar with many teaching styles/programs and modalities of instruction and I craft individual curriculums for each of my students. Being a music teacher is about more than just musical instruction, a good teacher will help the student grow as a person and be a mentor in all aspects of life. When someone commits to me, I make a commitment to them and I consider a duty and a privilege to devote myself fully to their progress.

The benefits of studying the violin will become apparent in all other areas of study or performance. Spatial coordination, critical and creative thinking, pattern recognition, application of mathematical skills and high speed problem solving are just some of the many, many skills you or your child can develop learning to play an instrument.